Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm Using information transfer technique to adapt some reading tasks for the while and post reading stage in Tieng Anh 11

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Nội dung tóm tắt: Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm Using information transfer technique to adapt some reading tasks for the while and post reading stage in Tieng Anh 11

  1. Activity 8: Read the passage again and complete the chart. - Lesson: UNIT 8: OUR WORLD HERITAGE SITES (see chart 8) - Stage: While you read – adapted task. (Activity 3 – Page 34- Book 2 ). - Aims: To help the students summarize the reading passage easier and to make the task more interesting and visual to students when they are reading information about world heritage. - Time: 10 minutes - Preparation: Ao paper size to draw the chart; handouts printed the chart; red pens; textbooks. - Procedure: + Step 1: Teacher gives instructions carefully. + Step 2: Divide the class into groups or pairs according to student’s abilities and give students about 4 minutes to do. + Step 3: Go around and help students whenever they need + Step 4: Choose 2 groups or some pairs who finish first to come to the board to complete the information on the chart. + Step 5: Check the result and give the correct answers + Step 6: Give feedback. Answer: 1. in 1994 2. visit many different caves 3. experience the local culture and life on the water 4. prawns 5. sea clams 6. the availability of low-cost hotels and cruise tours. 7. the comfort and elegance of five – star hotels and luxury cruise ships 8. cave dinner or the breathtaking view from a mountain top. 20
  2. Activity 8: Read the passage again and complete the chart. (2) (3) crabs (4) (5) On a cruise tour, Famous fresh seafood visitors can Get low budget Get high budget Thanks to (6) Recognized as a Visitors can enjoy World Heritage Site (7) in (1) Some of the unforgettable experiences A beautiful sunrise among the rock, (8) . islet Chart 8 21
  3. Activity 9: Read the passage again and complete the chart. - Lesson: UNIT 9: CITY OF THE FUTURE (see chart 9) - Stage: While you read – adapted task. (Activity 3 – page 51 – Book 2). - Aims: To help the students summarize the reading passage easier and to make the task more interesting and visual to students when they are reading information about the city of the future. - Time: 10 minutes - Preparation: Ao paper size to draw the chart; handouts printed the chart; red pens; textbooks. - Procedure: + Step 1: Teacher gives instructions carefully. + Step 2: Divide the class into groups or pairs according to student’s abilities and give students about 4 minutes to do. + Step 3: Go around and help students whenever they need + Step 4: Choose 2 groups or some pairs who finish first to come to the board to complete the information on the chart. + Step 5: Check the result and give the correct answers + Step 6: Give feedback. Answer: 1. city planners 2. various sensors installed in every home 3. to deal with urban environment problem to make Superstar 4. find renewable fuels for public transport 5. promote other clean air efforts. 6. They have more time for study, entertainment and relaxation 22
  4. Activity 9: Read the passage again and complete the chart. (5) (6) (4) Superstar City dwellers are happy with their life and work Reduce fossil fuel Thanks to consumption (2) . People’s efforts tomake the (3) . city cleaner and greener Predict and locate disaster Main function of Eco Infrastructure Net work Barbara Mark Barbara and Mark are (1) Chart 9 23
  5. Activity 10: Use the words and phrases in the box to reconstruct the text orally. - Lesson: UNIT 10: HEATHY LIFSTYLE AND LONGEVITY (see chart 10) - Stage: Post reading (P.63- Book 2) – adapted task for the Activity 5 - Aims: To help the students to talk about about the healthy lifestyle and longevity more easily by looking at the chart and reconstruct using their own language. - Time: about 10 minutes - Preparation: Ao paper size drawing the chart; handouts printed the chart; textbooks. - Procedure: + Step 1: Teacher gives instructions. + Step 2: Divide the class into groups, pairs or students can work individually according to their abilities and give them 5 minutes to prepare. If the students are not good at speaking and too shy to talk in front of the class, the teacher can model first. + Step 3: Go around and help the students whenever they need + Step 4: Choose one representative from each group, pair or a student who can work individually to come to the board using the chart to talk about the healthy lifestyle and longevity. + Step 5: Give comments and feedback. 24
  6. Activity 10: Use the words and phrases in the box to reconstruct the text orally. 30 years in 1900 67.2 years in 2010 Dramatic rise in life expectancy Three main factors Healthier Better Advances in lifestyle nutrition medical science and technology Mass media Nutritious diets, Discovery of raise people’s cleaner drinking antibiotics and awareness of water vaccines lifestyle choices Simple dietary Look for new Smoking, changes can ways to treat alcohol, fast boost our serious diseases food increase immune system the risk of obesity Chart 10 25
  7. III. FINDINGS AND AVALUATION 1. Finding from the students’ comments. I applied the adapted tasks for the reading lessons for 4 classes 11A1, 11A2, 11A3, 11A4 in the school year 2021-2022 . After designing the reading tasks and applying for these classes, I gave out three questions to investigate how effective they are over the given tasks in the textbook. Question 1: Are the adapted tasks easy to understand? Question 2: Are the adapted activities interesting? Question 3: Are the adapted activities creative? Easy to Criterion Interesting Creative understand Class Number Before After Before After Before After of the adapting adapting adapting adapting adapting adapting students 21 34 9 36 13 37 11A1 38 (55,2%) (89,4%) (23,6%) (94,7%) (34,2%) (97,3%) 11 36 10 35 12 36 11A2 42 (26,1%) (85,7%) (23,8%) (83,3%) (28,5%) (85,7%) 9 33 8 32 7 34 11A3 42 (21,4%) (78,5%) (19,04%) (76,1%) (16,6%) (80,09%) 8 35 6 36 7 33 11A4 43 (19,04%) (83,3%) (14,2%) (85,7%) (16,6%) (78,5%) Table 1 It can be seen from the table that after applying the adapted activities using the Information Transfer technique, the number of the students who commented that the activities were interesting, creative and easy to understand increased sharply. Although the students in these classes do not have the same abilities, the majority of them are eager to do the adapted tasks more than the given ones in the textbook. In the four criterions above, the “Interesting” has a great change from students’ comments. This is really a good solution to make the reading tasks more interesting and to get students involved in the reading lessons. 26
  8. 3.2. Finding from the teachers’ evaluation. After sharing the adapted reading tasks with my colleagues in my English group, I gave out three questions to investigate their opinions about the feasibility of the activities and I received many good comments from them. All 10 members of my group were questioned. Question 1: Are the activities interesting and motivating? Question 2: Are the activities suitable to most of the students’ levels? Question 3: Are the activities easy to understand and carry out? Excellent Good Average Poor Criterion No. of the No. of the No. of the No. of the teachers/ teachers/ teachers/ teachers/ percent percent percent percent Interesting and 7 10 0 0 motivating (70 %) (100%) (0%) (%) Suitable to the 6 7 2 0 students (60 %) (87, 5%) (20%) (0%) Easy to 7 10 0 0 understand and (70%) (100%) (0%) (0%) carry out. Table 2 It can be seen from the table 2 that most of the teachers in my English group chose the level “ Excellent” and “ Good”, especially 100% for the criterion “Interesting and motivating” and “Easy to understand and carry out”. This has proved that the adapted tasks using the Information Transfer Technique are highly evaluated. 27
  9. C. CONCLUSION AND APPLICATION I. Conclusion I applied the adapted activities for both good and weak students in the Grade 11 at my school in the school year 2021 - 2022. This study was carried at my school to examine how effective it was and I received good comments and evaluation from the students and the teachers. The new activities have brought about a great change in the teaching of reading. These tasks make the reading lessons more interesting and with colorful and visual design which are easy to understand and are suitable to most of the students. The students are encouraged and motivated through the adapted tasks. The activities are helpful for students to summarize and generalize as well as check their reading comprehension. Although some activities take more time than the time allotted because the text are long and some others are still difficult to weak students, I believe that this study will bring a new wind and a great change in the teaching of the reading. II. Application By using The Information Transfer Technique, apart from reading skills, we can develop students’ speaking skills when we encourage them to reconstruct the text orally with the designed tasks based on the passage. Moreover, this technique can be used to teach listening skills. If the listening tasks are too difficult to students, Charts or diagrams can be used to design the new ones that are easier and simpler to students. This may make the listening lessons become more attractive and effective. Even though the adapted tasks using The Information Transfer Technique have been performed in the reading lessons and gain remarkable results, limitations are still unavoidable. I would like to receive more comments and evaluation from other colleagues to make this study better and better. Yen Thanh, 15th April, 2022. Author 28
  10. REFERENCES 1. English 11 textbook new– Education Publisher. 2. English 11 teacher book new – Education Publisher. 3. “Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary” – 7th edition - Cambridge University Press. 4. Palmer, D. (1991) Information Transfer for Reading and Listening 5. Truong Vien. (1990) an application of the Information Transfer Technique in teaching comprehension in Vietnamese secondary school classrooms of English. 6. Http//: www. Google.com.vn: Clipart. 29