SKKN Applying blended learning method in teaching and learning writing skills - A case in grade 11 Do Luong 2 high school

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Nội dung tóm tắt: SKKN Applying blended learning method in teaching and learning writing skills - A case in grade 11 Do Luong 2 high school

  1. words and recall the spelling of words when writing. This is something that blended learning activities can provide. - The effect of blended learning and online activities on the students' performance in capitalization was investigated for the experimental group, and the differences between the pre-test and the post-test are presented in the following table which answers the following hypothesis: Hypothesis 8: There are no significant differences at (￿=0.05) between the pre-test and post-test scores in terms of capitalization due to blended learning for the experimental group Table (10) - Students' Differences in Performance between the Pre-test and the Post- test in Terms of Capitalization Test Means S. D. Df T Sig Type Grade Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test Capitalization 11 0.60 0.88 0.28 0.22 58 4.44 0.000* - Table 10 shows that the mean score of using proper capitalization in the pre-test is lower than that in the post-test for the experimental group. Students scores improved from 0.60 in the pre-test to 0.88 in the post-test The difference between the two tests is significant in favor of the post-test, which indicates the importance in reading a lot and exposing students to frequent visual activities to get used to using capitalization. Integrating students in the process of correcting their peers' mistakes and exposing the students to additional written forms helped the students to pay more attention to capitalization, and printed in their memories the proper use of capitalization which is not found in English. This is something that blended learning activities can provide. - All the results tables show that there are significant differences between the pre-test and post-test total writing grades in favor of the experimental group. This shows that the excessive exposure to the online material leads to an effective employment of the language writing abilities. Moreover, employing the flexible asynchronous approach could be another reason why students' writing abilities improved. The research has proven that online communication increases when the course content is uploaded online (Johnson, 2002). This could be another factor why students' results in the post-tests were significantly better than in the pre- tests. The results of the differences between the pre-test and the post - test for the whole items of students' writings are illustrated in the following diagram, where we can clearly see improvement in all aspects used to assess students' writings and the total score: 27
  2. Diagram1 - Improvements in Students' Performance in Writing comparison chart between pretest and posttest 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 pretest 4.00 posttest 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 C (1) Spelling (1) Gr. (2.5) Punct. (1) Coh. (2) Ds (2.5) total tests - The diagram illustrates development in students' performance in writing and this is an indication of the usefulness of using blended learning as a supportive aid for face-to-face lectures when teaching writing. IV. Some samples collected from two groups. 8836476/?comment_id=2414287252047676¬if_id=1648466959654746&n otif_t=group_comment&ref=notif 80643/?comment_id=687612325759158¬if_id=1648452043440773¬if _t=group_comment&ref=notif 28
  3. 434518/?comment_id=2418279098315158&reply_comment_id=241834227497 5507¬if_id=1648910162687776¬if_t=group_comment&ref=notif 31
  4. 671258/?comment_id=2415598835249851¬if_id=1648557346571431¬i f_t=group_comment&ref=notif ?comment_id=688680218985702¬if_id=1648596812198909¬if_t=group _comment&ref=notif 32
  5. PART C: CONCLUSION - This study's findings showed that the blended learning method had a positive impact on students writing skills in writing recount text. This statement was supported by descriptive statistical analysis, independent sample T-test, and effect size test after treatment. This statement is proven by the results by interview gave to the students after implementing the blended learning method. Furthermore, the researcher suggests the teachers use blended learning methods in English and other subjects. The other researchers are advised to expand the research variable and subject matter regarding the implementation of a blended learning method. Other researchers are also expected to develop the use of blended learning in other English skills such as reading, listening, and speaking and examine the effect of blended learning at different education levels, such as in junior high school. - Based on the findings above, WhatsApp face book technology can also enhance students' active participation in the ESL classroom. It can provide students with: a) an opportunity for practicing the language for free, b) more personal and comprehensive relationship between students and teachers, c) a chance for students not to be more sociable only but to learn better, and d) an opportunity for students to relate their opinions to those of others. Also, we should make use of modern technology in teaching our students. In the past, it was difficult to communicate with our students especially after the class. The teacher made great efforts to prepare material and aids to prepare their lesson. With passing time and increasing advance in technology, we should be a part of this technology. We should make use of them in our teaching process. - As for the conclusion, the use of WhatsApp face book as a blended in learning the language in the classroom would really beneficial to the students and also to be implemented in today’s education since it could be able to make the learning more effective. 35
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  7. Appendix General paragraph or essay Rubrics Rating Scale: 1- 5=Very poor/ 5-7= Good/ 8-10= Terrific . Criteria R Comments First sentence contains appropriate idea from thesis. 1 Details are ordered in a coherent way. Conclusion 2.5 rephrases, sums up, or expresses a result, advice. Cohesion is used in a correct way (conjunctions, 2 linking words, redundancy is reduced) 2 3 Punctuation 1 4 Grammar: Subject/verb 2.5 5 Spelling 1 6 Capitalization 1 Another rubric Rating Criteria Comments scale Easy to follow 1đ 1. Form of passage coherent 1đ 2. content Successful fulfillment of the task 4đ Appropriate vocabulary 1đ Suitable connectors 1đ 3. Language Correct grammar 1đ Punctuating / Spelling 1đ 37