Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm Some common problems of teaching methods innovation in schools

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Nội dung tóm tắt: Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm Some common problems of teaching methods innovation in schools

  1. Suggestions: + horizontal crossword 1: a natural cavity below the earth surface or in the mountain + horizontal crossword 2: light of the sun + horizontal crossword 3: A large natural stream of water + horizontal crossword 4: A short journey usually for pleasure + horizontal crossword 5: A temple or sacred tower in Asian countries + horizontal crossword 6: The science that studies the surface of the earth and its associated physical, biological, economic, policical features. + horizontal crossword 7: A hill of impressive height. After Some students have found the key word "Chicago", teachers introduce some features about the city of Chicago which has the famous Lake Michigan Keys: 1 C A V E 2 S U N S H I N E 3 R I V E R 4 E X C U R S I O N 5P A G O D A 5 6 G E O G R A P H Y M O U N T A I N 7 Slap the board Slap the board is an energetic vocabulary activity - it can be used for revision, presentation and testing - which involves students running to and hitting the board.Teachers put the vocabulary items on the board in any order – jumbled. Form groups. Give a mother tongue translation for one of the words on the board. The students have got to recognise the word which translates to that word. They then run to the board and slap the correct word. The first person in each group to slap the right word gets a point. Alternatively, you can form teams and one person from the team runs to the board, as a representative. The first team to hit the correct word gets the point. 12
  2. The representative changes, ready for the next word This is a little calmer than if everyone is running to the board. The teachers can reverse the translation, by putting the mother tongue on the board. And of course, they could use definitions or opposites if you want to avoid using the mother tongue. The teachers can do it with pictures so you put the pictures on the board and call out the English word and the kids slap the picture. The teacher doesn't have to call out the English, you can get other kids to call out so they're getting practice speaking too. - Example 1: Unit 10 : ecotourism / 10th grade English. Word group: Sea animals. Revising the new words about sea animals Teachers hang the pictures about the new words on the board,then ask each member of the team to run quickly to slap on the picture related to the word that the teachers have mentioned. dolphin carb shark squid turtle sea horse star fish seal jelly fish sperm whale lobster fish - Example 2: Unit 10: Conservation /Part A: Reading / page 104/ 10th grade English. Below are some words in the game "Slap the board" that I've designed to revise vocabulary for students 13
  3. Teachers stick the colorful card-boards with the new words on the board then ask students to run up to slap on board containing the word that teachers read aloud. This game should be played in teams to increase the enthusiasm and excitement to the lesson. equal elimina te runenrol force discrimination gender frequen t Example 3: Unit 9:preserving the enviroment national park cave butterfly hike moutain rainy toxic chemical in water the orphanage 2.4: The efficiency of the experience initiative Based on the teaching process and experimental results from tests of vocabulary in three classes 10A4,10A5, 10A13, I can see the positive eficiency after the application of measures to improve the efficiency of teaching vocabulary 14
  4. English for students. The improvement in the ability to remember and use vocabulary application is demonstrated by the number of students getting good marks and average ones as follows: Table 1: Before applying the measures Class 10A4 10A5 10A13 Total ( 42 (42 42 students) students) students) The number of students scoring proficient 1 0 1 Percentage 2,38% 0% 2,38% The number of students scoring pretty 5 4 5 Percentage 11,9% 9,53% 11,9% The number of students scoring average 14 12 13 Percentage 33,33% 28,57% 30,96% The number of students scoring below 22 26 23 average Percentage 52,39% 61,9% 54,76% Table 2: After applying the meassures Class 10A4 10A5 10A13 Total ( 42 (42 42 students) students) students) The number of students scoring proficient 5 3 6 Percentage 11,9% 7,14% 14,28% The number of students scoring pretty 10 8 11 Percentage 23,8% 19,04% 26,19% The number of students scoring average 19 20 18 Percentage 45,24% 47,62% 42,86% 15
  5. The number of students scoring below 8 11 7 average Percentage 19,04% 26,19% 16,66% Comparing the results obtained from the two tables above, I can see the progress of the students when learning vocabulary with these methods which are more diverse and more interesting, especially when students do the vocabulary exercises are designed in the form of games. As can be seen in the Table 1, the percentage of students getting bad marks in the vocabulary test accounts for more than 50% and the rate of students scoring good or excellent makes up for below 15%. From the second table, after the adoption of measures to improve the efficiency of teaching vocabulary,the percentage of students scoring at or above average has increased significantly (from about 40% in Table 1 to about 75% in Table 2) In each lesson, students are more active, more flexible and enthusiastic participation in the vocabulary section. Students are no longer passive listening and memorizing mechanically as it once was. In every classroom lessons, many students have the ability to remember a large number of basic vocabulary. I do not take too much time to explain words and practice from them. With some games, students can organize themselves, so it has increased the confidence and positivity of students in learning English. PART 3: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS I. Conclusions This result indicates that the measures which I have applied to improve the efficiency of vocabulary learning for students has yielded positive results. Students are not only able to remember and use more vocabulary, but also feel excited about learning vocabulary with different groups. They no longer have to meet the psychological fear of exercises or tests of vocabulary. On the contrary, the foreign language lessons becomes more fun and more exciting. These are some of the measures that I have learned, consulted and adopted into their lesson in the grade 10th English program. However, in the course of use, there are still many difficulties and limitations in the application these measures into teaching and learning .Therefore, I look forward to receiving constructive feedback so that I can complete my work better. 16
  6. II. Recommendations Derived from the application of innovative experiences and the results obtained above, I give some suggestions as follows: Firstly, every teacher should apply a broad and flexible methods of teaching vocabulary, and also should teach them the skills to learn vocabulary from lower classes so that they will have a certain vocabulary when they com to higher grades. Secondly, teachers should enhance the vocabulary exercise form in the warm up interesting, and the consolidation of all to stimulate the interest of student learning. Thirdly, teachers and schools should organize extra-curricular sessions in English to give students new experiences when learning English. Based on the interest to be involved, they will be more motivated to learn the vocabulary In short, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages so when teaching vocabulary to students, teachers need to choose the appropriate method for each different type of vocabulary to help students to find ways of learning vocabulary most effectively. Thuan Thanh, 2nd February, 2023 THE CONFIRMATION OF THE I promise that this experience initiative PRINCIPAL was written by myself without copying VICE- PRINCIPAL OF THE SCHOOL from anyone else. Experience initiative writer Lê Thị Thanh Ha 17
  7. REFERENCES 1. Học từ vựng tiếng Anh theo chủ điểm, tác giả Nguyễn Phương Mai, NXB Đại học quốc gia Hà Nội 2. Vui học từ vựng tiếng Anh, Song Phúc chủ biên, NXB Giáo dục 3. English vocabulary in use by Michael Mc Carthy 4. English Vocabulary For All By G K Puri 5. website: 6. website: 7. website: 8. website: 18
  8. APPENDIX: EXPERIMENTAL TESTS TEST 1 ( Before conducting the research) ( Time allowed: 10 minutes) Choose the best answer: 1. I like to work with figures, so I like A. Maths B. Literature C. Biology D. History 2. The alarm goes off at 4.30 A. Goes wrong B. Explores C. Stops D. Rings 3. is a film or a TV program giving facts about something A. Documentary B. Cartoon C. News D. Music 4. A period of one hundred years is called A. A long time B. Century C. Decade D. Millennium 5. is traditional music of a country A. Pop music B. Rock’n’roll C. Classical music D. Folk music 6. I like to learn English best because it is an language. A. Nation B. Region C. International D. Traditional 7. When the winter comes, everybody feels A. Cool B. Hot C. Cold D. Wet Keys: 1.A 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. C 19
  9. TEST 2 (during conducting the research) ( Time allowed: 10 minutes) Choose the best answer: 1.We call a short journey for pleasure a ( an) A.Expedition B. Travel C. Excursion D. Visit 2.If you want to invite someone to attend your birthday party, you will write a letter of A.Refusal B. Invitation C. Acceptance D. Application 3 is a modern music that is popular with young people A.Pop music B. Traditional music C. Classical music D. Folk music 4. Jack is a (an) part of the team because we can not do without him. A. Intergral B. Tiny C. Unnecessary D. Impossible 5.We call a group or groups of animals or plants A.Fauna B. National parks C. Flora D. Species 6 is a film or a play that is intended to be funny, usually with a happy ending. A.Science fiction B. Comedy C. Tragedy D. Detective 7.A large area of sea that is partly surrounded by land is B. Sea B. Ocean C. Marine D. Gulf Keys: 1.C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. D 20