SKKN Applying whats app group discussion to improve 10th students’ ability in writing skill at Dien Chau 2 high school, especially for offline learning

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Nội dung tóm tắt: SKKN Applying whats app group discussion to improve 10th students’ ability in writing skill at Dien Chau 2 high school, especially for offline learning

  1. III. CONCLUSION From the explanation above, it can be concluded that learning using WhatsApp group in writing can produce positive effects and benefits for the students. Students believe that the WhatsApp group can develop their writing ability. It is seen from the responses of most students in the writing class who give a good response to this medium. Moreover, the students also admit that the WhatsApp group affects the improvement of their writing ability because they can do peer correction, give comments, and discuss the topic with others. Using WhatsApp can also build interaction among students because they can share knowledge and information. Besides, every student has already known how to use WhatsApp well and familiar with it. The popularity of the WhatsApp group has been exploited to be an educational powerful medium by learners in any area of language. So, it is not difficult to use during the learning process. Seeing the result of this research, it can be implied that the use of WhatsApp group can improve students’ writing ability. Besides, it can also be an appropriate platform for education in Viet Nam, especially in this COVID-19 pandemic. It is hoped that the researcher in the future can develop the research with different settings and samples, so this research can give more insight related to the use of WhatsApp in the teaching and learning process Besides, based on the findings above, WhatsApp technology can also enhance students' active participation in the EFL classroom. It can provide students with: a) an opportunity for practicing the language for free, b) more personal and comprehensive relationship between students and teachers, c) a chance for students not to be more sociable only but to learn better, and d) an opportunity for students to relate their opinions to those of others. Also, we should make use of modern technology in teaching our students. In the past, it was difficult to communicate with our students especially after the class. The teacher made great efforts to prepare material and Aids to prepare their lesson. With passing time and increasing advance in technology, we should be a part of this technology. We should make use of them in our teaching process. WhatsApp creates a sense of enjoyment, allowing students to use WhatsApp as a learning tool in informal settings. WhatsApp is an exciting medium to consider, as a learning tool as it is mainly associated with informality rather than being in a formal setting. Therefore, the use of WhatsApp as a learning tool has a positive impact on the students' essay writing performance as it also helps the students to create their groups to facilitate active and interactive learning. It is hoped that the use of WhatsApp will be widely used as it will help generate excitement and enthusiasm towards learning, primarily when it caters to difficult learning situations in writing lessons with the lower proficiency students. Nevertheless, WhatsApp has offered a valuable opportunity for the researcher to gain insights and reflections on the teaching of essay writing as it has excellent potential to be used for educational purposes. 33
  2. Recommendations: This paper has examined the effectiveness of WhatsApp, as one of the mobiles techniques of language learning, on developing students' writing skills. It has concluded that WhatsApp English medium group is very effective in developing students' writing skills as it helps students to develop their vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension and writing skills, especially for online learning. It provides students with good opportunities for practicing English as a means of communication and helps students to learn from each other in an indirect way. For this reason, the study recommends EFL teachers to use WhatsApp English medium groups in their teaching of English and to motivate their students to join such groups for chatting and learning effectively. Dien Chau, April 25th, 2022 34
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  5. Book map Content Page Introduction 1 Content 3 Chapter 1: Theoretical and practical background 3 Theoretical background 5 Practical background 7 The situation 13 Chapter 2: The solution 13 Chapter 3: Discussion 23 Effect 28 Comments from teachers and students 29 Conclusion 32 Reference 34 37