SKKN Integrating some cultural knowledge of America, England and Vietnam to attract 12th graders in post - Reading activity

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Nội dung tóm tắt: SKKN Integrating some cultural knowledge of America, England and Vietnam to attract 12th graders in post - Reading activity

  1. PART C: CONCLUSION 1. Recapitulation. To conclude, culture has a vital and important role in the process of learning English as a foreign language as language and culture are inseparable. Integrating some cultural knowledge in Vietnam and other countries in teaching English may be a good way to help students inprove a lot of skills such as speaking, listening, presenting, using modern, etc. It cold boost students’ motivation to learn English and feel more confident, free- stressful in English lessons as well. From the analyse and the specific evidences, we have realized that my students become more active in the lessons, have clearler understanding about the values of culture. They are aware of respecting, conserving, building and promoting the beautiful values as well as forming useful skills to better their lives. We do hope that through this paper, teachers and students of English have some ideas on how necessary and beneficial the awareness of the integration of cultural knowledge in teaching English in particular and other foreign languages in general. We would be really grateful to receive remarks, comments, suggestions and advices from the scientific council, teachers, students and other readers to make the study better. 2. Suggestions for further Studies. Within the scope of a teaching experience, the limitation of time and materials, this paper can not fulfill all the issues related to cultural knowledge in Vienam and other countries. For further studies, some following suggestions are recommended in order to apply this research more effectively. 2.1. For teachers: It is necessary that teachers should redesign the activities in the lessons so that they are suitable with students’ abilities and can motivate students in each class. Apart from using these games and suggested activities in teaching Post- reading stage, we would like to recommend those applied in teaching other lessons of the syllabus such as speaking, listening or writing; and for other grades not only at our school but also others. 2.2. For students and parents: Students need to be aware of the importance of English in their real lives, from that to have more active motivation in learning the language. Besides, they ought to try their best to practise the language everyday, and develop other important skills such as presentation, or using modern technology, etc as well. In addition, parents and family should give as much time as possible and the appropriate care for their children so that they can discover the changes of their children and adjust those timely as well as often exchange information with their teachers. 30
  2. 2.3. For schools and management agencies: Cultural knowledge is so essential for students when learning the second language. Therefore, there should be more activities and forums of cultural knowledge and life skill education for students to learn and exchange. The activities of life skill education need implementing more scientifically and methodically. Sincerely thank you for your reading and assessment! 31
  3. REFERENCES A. Books 1. Neil Campbell (2000). American Youth Cultures. Routledge New York. 2. Gina Teague (2003). USA- Culture Smart. Oxford University Press. 3. Gary Atthen (1999). American Ways: A cutural Guide to the United States. Oxford University Press. 4. Neil Campbell & Alasdair Kean (1998). American Cultural Studies. Routledge New York. 5. Antje Dallmann, Eva Boesenberg & Martin Klepper (2016). Approaches to American Cultural Studies. Routledge New York. 6. Susan Bassnett (2004). Studying British Cultures. Routledge New York. 7. Jonathan Crowther (2005). Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. Oxford University Press. 8. Phan Ngọc (1999). Bản sắc văn hóa Việt Nam. Nhà xuất bản Văn học. 9. Phan Kế Bính (1995). Việt Nam phong tục. Nhà xuất bản Văn học. 10. Nguyễn Ngọc Thanh (2018). Đặc trưng Văn hóa các vùng miền Việt Nam. Nhà xuất bản Văn học. B. Websites: 1. and.html 2. Vietnamese-and-Americans 3. 4. vietnamese-essay 5. 6. 7. know-about-u-s-culture/ 8. 9. 10. 32
  4. APPENDIX 1. Questions of the survey on the students. SURVEY ON THE 12TH GRADERS QUESTION 1: How much do you enjoy learning English? A. A great deal B. Moderate C. A little D. Not at all QUESTION 2: How can you express your ideas in English lessons? A. Extremely well B. Very well C. Somewhat well D. Not so well QUESTION 3: What do you want to learn in English lessons? A. Vocabulary and Grammar B. 4 language skills C. Exercises for tests and examinations D. Practical activities on the knowledge of culture and real life. QUESTION 4: What is your favourite activity in English lessons? A. Sharing general knowledge, playing games, presenting about the cutural features B. Playing games on vocabulary and grammar C.Practising exercises D. Writing and listening activities QUESTION 5: How much is the cultural understanding important to you? A. extremely important B. very important C. somewhat importantD. not so important QUESTION 6: How relevant do you think the cultural knowledge you get now to what would support you in the future job and life? A. A lot B. Not so much C. A little bit D. Not at all QUESTION 7: What is the cultural speciality you want to share and achieve in the English class? A. Marriage and family life B. Mucic, theatre C. Lifestyles D.Homelife, healthy lifestyle, music, ways of socialising , orientation future jobs, QUESTION 8: How do you think about the English lesson integrated the cultural features of Vietnam or other countries? A. interesting, lively and meaningful B. boring C. tiring and exhausting D. stressful 33
  5. 2. Questions of the survey on the teachers QUESTIONS OF THE SURVEY ON THE TEACHERS OF ENGLISH QUESTION 1: How often do you apply the cultural knowledge of America, England or Vietnam in English class? A. Frequently B. Sometimes C. Rarely D. Never QUESTION 2: How important do you think the cultural understanding to the future life and job of the students? A. A great deal B. Moderate C. A little D. Not at all QUESTION 3: How are the lessons integrated the cultural features of Vietnam or America? A. Interesting, lively B. time consuming C. boring D. stressful QUESTION 4: What are disadvantages of integrating the cultural specialities of Vietnam, England or America in teaching English? A.Take much time to prepare B. make class noisy C. lack of high quality equipments D. All QUESTION 5: How effective are the lessons applied the cultural knowledge of America- England and Vietnam? A. Help Ss to improve alot of skills B. Support Ss with multicultural understanding C. Provide Ss with useful activities to practise what they have learnt D. All 34
  6. 3. Questions of the online quiz game QUIZ GAME ABOUT WEDDINGS AND MARRIAGE IN VIETNAM AND IN AMRICA (designed on Question 1: How many ceremonies are there for a wedding in Vietnam? A. one B. two C. three D. four Question 2: Where do most Vietnamese people celebrate their wedding ceremony? A. On the street B. At a restaurant C. At the groom's house D. in the church Question 3: At what age can you get married in Viet Nam? A. 20 for boys and 18 for girls B. 18 years old C. 20 years old D. 18 for boys and 20 for girls. Question 4: At what age can you get married in America? A. 20 for boys and 18 for girls B. 18 years old C. 20 years old D. 18 years old in all states, except in Nebraska, and Mississippi Question 5: What should you bring as a wedding present in America? A. Drinks B. Cakes C. Money D. Necessities for a new household Question 6: What wedding present is the most popular for Vietnamese? A. Drinks B. Cakes C. Money D. Necessities for a new household 35
  7. 4. More pictures for post- reading activities in classes 36
  8. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A. INTRODUCTION 1 1. Rationale 1 2. Aims of the study 2 3. Methods of study 2 4. Research questions 2 5. Scope of the study 2 6. Significance of the study 2 PART B: MAIN CONTENT 3 CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 3 1.1. Post-Reading Activity in English Reading lesson 3 1.1.1. Role of Post-Reading Activity in English Reading lesson 3 1.1.2. Types of Post-reading Activities 3 1.1.3. Problems with Post-reading activity in class and Solutions 4 1.2. The cultural knowledge relating to the topic of units 4 1.2.1. Some cultural knowledge relating to topic of reading lessons 4 1.2.2. Benefits of using these cultural knowledge to improve post- 4 reading activity 1.2.3. Some forms of practising English activities in class: 5 CHAPTER 2: THE STUDY 6 2.1. Research Questions 6 2.2. Data collection 6 2.2.1. Objects 6 2.2.2. Data Collection Procedure 6 2.3. Research Procedure 7 2.4. Results and Discussion 7 2.4.1. Results 7 2.4.2. Discussion 9 CHAPTER 3: INTEGRATING SOME CULTURAL KNOWLEDGE OF AMERICA, ENGLAND AND VIETNAM IN 11 POST-READING ACTIVITY 3.1. Cultural Knowledge of America, England and Vietnam relating the 11 lessons in the text book English 12 3.1.1. Home Life. 11 3.1.2. Marriage 11 3.1.3. Education: 12 3.1.4. Ways of Socialising 13 3.1.5. Job Interview 13 39
  9. 3.2. Application of Cultural Knowledge of America, England and 14 Vietnam in teaching and learning 3.2.1. Unit 1: Home Life. 14 3.2.2. Unit 2. Cultural Diversity 16 3.2.3. Unit 3: Ways of Socialising 17 3.2.4. Unit 4: School Education System 18 3.2.5. Unit 6: Future Jobs 19 3.3. Comparison the results before and after applying the study 21 3.3.1. Before applying the study 21 3.3.2. After applying the study 21 3.4. Some pictures of Post-reading activities in class 22 3.4.1. Unit 1: Home life 22 3.4.2. Unit 2: Cultural Diversity 23 3.4.3. Unit 3: Ways Of Socialising 24 3.4.4. Unit 4: School Education System 25 3.4.5. Unit 5: Future Jobs 25 CHAPTER 4: EVALUATION AND DISCUSSION 27 4.1.The Analysis of Observation 27 4.2. Discussion 29 PART C: CONCLUSION 30 1. Recapitulation 30 2. Suggestions for further Studies 30 2.1. For teachers 30 2.2. For students and parents 30 2.3. For schools and management agencies 31 REFERENCES 32 A. Books 32 B. Websites 32 APPENDIX 33 1. Questions of the survey on the students 33 2. Questions of the survey on the teachers 34 3. Questions of the online quiz game 35 4. More pictures of post-reading activities in classes 36 40