SKKN Một số kỹ năng trong việc quản lý học sinh trong việc dạy học trực tuyến ở trường THPT Cửa Lò 2

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Nội dung tóm tắt: SKKN Một số kỹ năng trong việc quản lý học sinh trong việc dạy học trực tuyến ở trường THPT Cửa Lò 2

  1. Task 2. Reading comprehension Goal The activity aims at helping Ss focus on reading comprehension Input Answer the questions ( 6 questions –page 27) Outcome Key: 1. They are talking about a young pop star. 2. He looks shy and passionate. 3. He won second place in the Idol contest. 4. His mother did. 5. They gained over 10.000.000 views 6. He had four singles enter Top 40 before his first album. Procedure - Teacher uses to do the task. – tell Sts to focus on the instructions. - checks Ss understanding of the questions. - get Sts to work in pairs or groups to discuss the answers. - call on sts to give the answers. -check their answers derectly . Activity 4: Application Task 1: Find Adjectives, then discuss their meanings Goal This activity focuses on dictionary skills Input find adjectives in the conversation and discuss the meaning (Page 26) Outcome Key: 1. shy: not at ease with other people 2. passionate: having a keen enthusiasm or intense desire for something. 3. talented: a person with good natural ability 4. popular: widely liked or appreciated 5. well-known: famous Procedure - Teacher uses to do the task. – tell Sts to focus on the instructions. - checks Ss understanding of the questions. - get Sts to work individually to find out the answers. - should use a dictionary to look up the meanings -check their answers derectly . 49
  2. Task 2: Role Play (at home) Goal This activity aims to get Ss’ attention to the interview between a jounalist and a ginger Input Getting Started ( Page 26) Build a conversation Outcome 1. What / name? 2. How / old? 3. Why / become / singer? 4. What kind of music / sing? 5. What / famous / song? Procedure 1. Teacher Asks ss to use Zalo, Messenger to send video before attending the class 2. Teacher uses Zalo, Messenger to check video . Part 3: Wrap-up: - Ask Ss to record their answer to answer the following questions and hand in to the teacher through zalo 50
  3. ONLINE LESSON PLAN UNIT 3: GETTING STARTED I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - get started and get familiar with the lexical items related to music. - get familiar with some ending sounds “/est/, /eit/ /ənt/ “ - get familiar with the grammatical points: compound sentences and “to infinitives” and “bare infinitives” 2. Competence: Students can express their emotions about some of their music idols. 3. Attitude: / Attribute - Students have positive attitudes towards their idols. - Students become more interested in music. II. Teaching aids - (sending the padlet link to students so that they can finish the preparation at home) - Zalo (sending Padlet link, sending students’ videos or students’ powerpoint about their favourite singers) - Zoom (showing video about Justin Bieber) - Text book (English 10/ unit 3/ getting started) III. Teaching procedure - Activity 1: Teacher asks students to prepare at home using “Padlet”. - Activity 2 and 3: Teacher and students interact via “zoom”. - Activity 4 and 5: Teacher asks students to do at home. 1. Activity 1: Preparing at home, before the lesson. a) Aim: identify lexical items related music. b) Content: Ask sts to share their answers on Padlet following some questions - Name their music idols - List the adjectives that describe their idols. - List some of their idols’ achievements or their hit songs. Handout 01: 51
  4. c) Outcome: Students’ answers on Padlet d) Steps for activity 1: #1: Teacher sends “Padlet link” via Zalo group and asks the students to complete the questions. #2: Students do their task at home with the instructions from the teacher. #3: Students post their answers on padlet. #4: Teacher gives feedback on the students’ answers on Padlet. 2. Activity 2: Introducing new knowledge via Zoom. a) Aim: The activity aims at teaching Ss some vocabulary related to the topic. b) Content: (i) Lead in: - Let students watch a short video of the song “Baby” in album “My World” – Justin Bieber. 52
  5. - Ask students some questions: “What is the name of the song? Who sings this song? Which album does this song belong to?” - Lead – in: Today, we are going to read a conversation in which they talk about a very famous singer in the world. (ii) New words: Passionate (a) Platinum album (n) Debut album (n) Release (v) Talented (a) c) Outcome: - Students’ answers - Students can obtain some new words and know how to pronounce them correctly. d) Steps #1 - Teacher shows the padlet prepared at home by students. - Teacher asks some questions to elicit the lexical items related to the topic. Suggested questions: + Who is your music idol? + What does he/she look like? + Can you tell me some of his/her characteristics? + Can you list some of his/her hit songs/ achievement? - Teacher lets students watch a short video – the song “Baby” # 2 Teacher introduces new words by using pictures, synonyms, anonyms and translation. # 3 - Teacher and students read new words in chorus. - Teacher asks some students to read the new words again. # 4 Feedback: Teacher gives feedback on students’ work. 4. Activity 3: Practice * TASK 2: a) Aim: Get information from the text and decide whether the statements are true or false. b) Content: Task 2 in textbook page 26 53
  6. T F 1. The pop star has a lot of female fans around the world. 2. His platinum album was The World. 3. It took him more than two years to become a superstar. 4. His home country is the USA. 5. His clips on the Internet received over 10,000,000 views. c) Outcome: students’ answers d) Steps # 1: Teacher asks students to do true/ false activity individually. # 2: - students do the task - the teacher observes and offers help # 3: - Teacher lets students give their answers in zoom chatbox. - Teacher calls some students to present their answers and explanation (Teacher should call the students with the answers different from others’) # 4 Feedback: Teacher gives some feedback on students’ answers. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T * TASK 3: a) Aim: Get information from the text and answer the questions. b) Content: Task 3 in textbook page 27 Read the conversation again, and give answers to the following questions. 1. Who are the speakers talking about? 2. How did the teen pop star look on stage? 3. What was his first achievement in his home country? 4. Who decided to post his homemade videos on the Internet? 5. How many views did the superstar's videos gain on the Internet? 6. What is one of his most important achievements? Why? 54
  7. c) Outcome: students’ answers d) Steps # 1: - Teacher asks students to do the task in 4 groups. (Using break-out -room function) - Teacher asks students to prepare their answer in PowerPoint. # 2: - students do the task - the teacher observes and offers help. # 3: Teacher lets the representatives of two groups show their answers with the whole class. (using PowerPoint) and the two other groups will give their comments. # 4 Feedback: Teacher gives some feedback on students’ answers. *Keys: 1. they’re talking about a young pop star. 2. he looked shy and passionate. 3. He won second place in an idol contest. 4. His mother did. 5. They gained over 10.000.000 views. 6. He had four singled enter top 40 before his first album. 4. Activity 4: Application (doing at home) a) Aims: - students identify the adjectives describing their idols. - Students identify some verbs followed by to infinitives. b) Content: Task 4: Finding the adjectives that describe the teen idol and write them down, and then find out their meanings. Task 5: Rereading the conversation. Circle the verbs that are followed by “to- infinitive” c) Outcome: students’ answers d) Steps #1: Teacher asks students to do the tasks at home. #2: Students do the tasks at home. #3: Teacher asks students to submit their work via Zalo group. # 4: Teacher gives comments on students’ answers via Zalo. 55
  8. 2.4. Result achieved. - Create the "Social learning" group to manage, provide learning materials, transfer tasks and receive student learning products. - Create a messenger group to regularly exchange, discuss, answer questions, grade and return assignments for students. - Create online lessons on Zoom application to help lecture and interact directly with students. - Create online multiple-choice test on Shub Classroom application, Testbank application helps students self-test and assess their knowledge and skills. - Create quick questions in the form of games on the Kahoot application to help students compete with each other, creating competition and excitement in learning. 3. Conclusion, recommendation 3.1. Conclusion. - Equipment for online teaching and student management is not too complicated and expensive. - The application of technology and the use of the internet for teaching is necessary and brings many positive effects. - The combination of face-to-face teaching in class and online teaching will increase interactivity and bring more learning opportunities to students. 3.2. Recommendation - There needs to be synchronous direction of management at all levels on the issue of bringing online education into teaching and learning, gradually changing the approach and management of students to suit the development trend of the present era.Thank you very much. 57
  9. CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Rationale 2 1.2. Purposes and taskes of research 2 1.3. Objects of research 2 1.4. Scope limit of research 2 1.5. Research methodology 2 2. Contents 3 2.1. Theoretical basis 3 a. Legal basis 3 b. Some concepts of online teaching and education 3 2.2. Current situation 5 a. Advantages – disadvantages 5 b. Success - limitations 5 2.3.Solution contents 6 2.3.1. Create a “Social Learning” group on Facebook 6 2.3.2. Create and use Messenger groups in teaching 22 2.3.3. Teaching online on application 23 a. Create an account 23 b. Carry out the lesson 24 2.3.4. Create online test questions on Shub Classroom 27 2.3.5. Online test questions on Testbank 30 2.3.6. Kahoot 32 2.4. Result achieved 57 3. Conclusion, recommendation 57 3.1. Conclusion 57 3.2. Recommendation 57 58